Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rite(s) of Passage, Spring, etc. etc.

Got my permit today!! Aaaahhh!!!!! Watch out roads, here I come! Sort of. Not sure yet if I'm completely ready to drive yet. But it's a skill that's practically necessary for everyday life here, and I don't want to burden my parents by having them drag me everywhere. But I'm in no hurry to be "independent". I guess I already am, in a way. I haven't got any brothers or sisters, and I usually am home alone right after school in the school year. But I still get into disputes with my mom about what I want to wear, which is SO STUPID. Almost makes me wish I don't really care about clothes, like when I was little. But, unfortunately, I do, a little. I'm interested in clothes as an art form (this is a great example--don't judge it, just watch), not those garments displayed in those "junior's" sections of department stores.

But that is another post for another blog, another time. Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" is a lot weirder than I thought it would be, but I suppose that depends on what the definition of weird is. And I am rambling because I had a late lunch and need to go knit.

Farewell until later,
The Blogger

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