Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Midsummer Crisis

I haven't really embarked on any of my goals for this summer, and since this is probably the only time that I will have to actually do those things, I need to get off of the Internet and start doing something productive. Like start/finish one of my too-many novel ideas and actually complete writing a story. And journalling more often. And basically doing everything on my "goals for summer" post.

Plus, this blog was really more a "school" blog anyway, and so I guess posts will pick up when back-to-school stuff starts up again.

So, until September, adios, Blogger! And the Internet! Except for maybe email! I will and am going to use the rest of my summer responsibly. For you never know what you have until it's gone.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Yeah, was MIA for the past week or so because of this awesome piano camp! So much practicing, almost everyone there was better than me, I must go practice some more...

Anyway, to sum the whole experience up: basically, it's just increased my love for piano, if it even existed before then. I know more about music, definitely, and now know how to listen to long sonatas and concertos and symphonies without falling asleep (especially when the orchestra or the soloist is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD).  

So, a new appreciation for music (and its history--I found that I quite like the Impressionists, in both paintings and music. GO DEBUSSY!!!), a new drive to practice and improve my abilities, and possibly a new teacher (who will help me with the latter). 

Music is definitely my most favorite thing about being human. It can say so much, it can be funny, silly, serious, a mix of all of them (cough BEETHOVEN cough)--it is just totally, epicly, completely, awesome.

Friday, July 2, 2010

"Chairwoman of the Bored"

"Chairwoman" because "Chairgirl" just sounds wrong and "Chairfemale" sounds even more wrong.

And the "of the Bored" because of this.

Lots of people like to announce when they are bored, me being one of them. "I'M BOOOORRREEDDDDDDDDDDD," I'll intone randomly. But surely none of my bored phases have descended into the deepest, darkest parts of boredom, which actually aren't that boring after all.

Because you can always bore your way out of them. With a nuclear-powered power drill.

And then, usually, in these voyages into the pit of boreDOOM, people will say a bunch of random things that have nothing to do with what they just said a few seconds earlier.

Like avocados. And very short paragraphs. And I don't think that was supposed to make any sense.


Remember, you can always Google what you don't understand.

If the thing that is masked is already known by everybody, then is it truely masked?

Why is a raven like a writing desk? (some say they both have inky bills, but I think they both have binky ills.)

Riverdancing violinists are cool!

Okay, this post has really gotten out of hand. I meant to provide a commentary on the precepts and preconcieved notions of the phases people go through during which they announce their feeling of mild ennui, but I see now that I have given in to the siren's call of apathy.

I hope that none else have succumbed to this dreadful and extremely frightening creature. If you do ever come across it, remember to always scream and run away.

With all due respect,
Lemony J. Snicket