Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wire-free, it's good to be free... FREEdom!

My house finally has wireless Internetz! Huzzah! Huzzah! Hip Hip Huzzah! So, techinically, now I can watch KP episodes anywhere I want to in the house--my room, the kitchen, the basement, the bathroom (okay not really but you get the point). I really need to get another hobby. BURBERRYYY!

Ahem. But it sometimes doesn't work and then I'm still confined to the cable. Darn doodles.

Am listening to Diane Birch, who has the coolest music video ever (and plus it's a great song) go check it out RIGHT NOW! Please. Seriously--I love the beat, it has a very dancey sort of feeling it to it without being the speaker blasting, nightclub type (you know--Ke$ha and all that). Plus the background music also rules. :-P Her voice is the most unique one I've ever heard, and it has this soft, floaty quality that's very moving. But don't take my word for it. Go listen to her and form your own opinions! We are not taught how to think.

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