Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Music will SAVE THE WORLD or at least hopefully our orchestra teacher

Darn budget cuts. My orchestra teacher might be laid off at the end of the school year because of those accursed things (she was hired on only as a part time teacher this year). >:-P Uncool! She is the best music teacher I've ever had in school! Well, all three of them so far were really great, but, she's just so cool and awesomely good at music and you can't just fire her!

So what did the upper (i.e., better) orchestra do? Oh yeah, they took ACTION against this dastardly possiblely-happening deed. Yesterday, in the parking lot outside of the school board meeting, a few of the kids from the better orchestra arranged their own mini-concert right there, in the parking lot, with stands and a student conductor and everything! They even had a sign up that said: "SAVE [insert orchestra teacher's name here--no personal info will be typed]!"

In the ideal world, the school board would've been moved to tears by their awesome playing and agreed to let our orchestra teacher stay for as long as our orchestra teacher liked, and that the budget cuts regarding music and school lunch would all be reconsidered and relooked at.

But, in the real world (oh phooey, we live in the REAL world? shucks.), all the school board said was: "If we don't let her go, someone else will have to go." Which also isn't really good.

Speaking of budget cuts, my Spanish teacher is being transfered to a middle school next year. Gosh I hope she doesn't have to each 8th graders. Y'all should know how despicable some 8TH GRADERS can be. I should know. I was one (no DUH, Jinny, now get on w/da rest of da post, wouldja pleeze?).

Another thing that'll be changed by the budget cuts will be lunch time. This year we got an entire period to eat our lunch, which was very useful in certain cases. Next school year, we only get 25 minutes. Which isn't that bad, but still--waiting in line for half that time and then scarfing it down in 5 to finish homework for the last couple of periods? I don't think so. Which means that I might have to start regularly bringing my own lunch. Gah must get up earlier.

Also, I'm going to try to get more involved in school for my sophomore year. This year all I did was tennis, an Asian drama-watching club (ahahaha I know--how typically Asian of me), and "JV" on Science Olympiad (meaning I didn't actually compete, but still helped out and got to see how everything worked.

Next year I'm headed for tennis, Speech team, Science Olympiad ("varsity"! I will compete next year! Hopefully.), Honors Orchestra, MAYBE the school play and HUGE DOUBLE TRIPLE MAYBE softball. ABSOLUTELY HONKIN' HUGE MAYBE on that last one. I mean, spring is the time for AP testing and finals! I don't know if I would be able to fit in a sport in spring, even though I like softball.

Oh well. We'll see how the end of THIS year passes first!


N3WYORKD3VIL said...

Because of budget cuts, next year, I won't have a NURSE! I NEED one! I have asthma! And once, I saw a 1rst grader with diabetes equipment!

Jinnyd said...

WHAT? That's redonkulous. Nurses are a necessity for schools. Especially public schools. What if a medical emergency happened? Are they going to train all the teachers in emergency situation responses now or what?