Monday, December 14, 2009

A wee bit more o' explainin'...

I feel that I should explain what this blah-g is going to be about, just so I feel that any random readers who totally and accidentally stumble onto this mess-of-opinions-and-rants/blog who actually care to dig into the "archives" and read the "introduction" of how this blog started and what's it's (hopefully) going to be about.

So, to the actual main topic of this entry: this is going to be an online opinion-roll of what my high school experience is like! Bet no one's ever thought of that, right? I hope. But if there is someone out there blogging about their crazy HS years, don't hesitate to call! Er, e-mail. I don't accept calls from anyone who doesn't know my number. XP

And another thing: multiple entries in one day can/may happen quite often. Yes, yes, I know I should get a life so that I actually have something to talk about here instead of just ranting/complaining about how un-like my expectations everything is and how everything could be better if the school district let me be superintendent.

Welcome to my teen years, accompanied by mandatory schooling and crazy end-of-semester projects.

Good luck, and have a good day (HAGD).


Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way, I have a blog about my school years. :) Its called Stories of my Crazy Life. Check it out, please! =) Theres some poems but you can skip those over if you want and read the regular posts.
xox keep posting! :)

Jinnyd said...

I've seen it! The header photo is soooo coool and so awesome! And not just because there's Converse on it. Virtual holiday basket filled with your favorite things, whatever they may be! Merry Holidays!