Thursday, February 25, 2010


Since this web log is supposed to be logging my HS experiences, I will now start actually going on that topic instead of rambling on about my teen angst and other random topics.

My school, which I will call Central High School, (even though the real name is NOT Central High School, obvs) was designed by a guy who designs jails. Apparently. Whether or not that's true, it IS true that our locker arrangements are completely and totally inefficient.

So, this jail-architect dude (or so he appears) decided to lump lockers together in little spaces called "locker bays", one for each "house" (which is really half a floor and is only there for room numbering purposes. I think). It's not too bad in the morning, when everyone's half asleep and there's no one in the locker bay, and the lockers block a little of the light so you can stand there and pretend to sleep while standing before your open locker. BUT! At the end of the day everyone is rushing to their buses or rides or whatever, and the locker bays (with lockers arranged sort of like library shelves, but with less space between them) are PACKED. Every day I have to stand outside of my little "locker section" and wait for someone to come out so I can go in, grab my coat, and split on out of there.

Mr. Jail Architect could've at least spread the lockers out around the halls, like in a normal school.

But then again, normal is highly overrated.


JD said...

Lol!!!!!!! Same with my high school! Its so dark and hardly had anywindows, designed as jail originally for some odd reason... hardly welcoming to new students, lol.

Yes. normal is highly overrated. LOlz many times.

Jinnyd said...

Maybe they're trying to rub it in that school is still mandatory until a certain age--YOU ARE HEREBY IMPRISONED IN THIS HERE SCHOOLING INSTITUTION UNTIL YOU DROP OUT OR GRADUATE. Quite cheering.