Friday, June 4, 2010

How to Survive Dissecting In Biology

School is going on FAR too long. We still have a week before we are set free on the 11th of June. Foo.

Well, in biology we are actually doing something stereotypical-high school-ly! Yes, we are


Dissecting frogs.  That smell really bad. From the preservatives. That apparently smell better than ones from previous years. Which makes me shudder to think of what they must've reeked of back when my parents dissected frogs. In a country far, far away from here.

It's actually not that gross or anything--it's just the terribly GROSS smell that gets really annoying. So, when dissecting frogs, wear a scarf or something that can be used to filter the smell from your nose. Yes, that is a must. And wear surgical gloves. And those lab glasses, if you don't wear glasses already. To protect your eyes from mysterious liquids that could possibly land on your eyeballs.

Have I scared you from ever taking HS bio forever? MWAH HA HA. Not really. Biology is cool! And sometimes fun! (If you get a cool teacher.) Take it! It might be a requirement anyways! Plus you get to go on field trips. Or you should. Because biology cannot be taught simply through classwork.

All of this makes me happy, because in the comic FoxTrot, by Bill Amend (super cool Apple-fan dude), Paige, one of the characters, is also in 9th grade and in biology and dissected frogs! Which makes me feel like my life is sort of cooler, all of a sudden, but not really. Because truth really is stranger than fiction.

And--GAH. Lots of end-of-year projects/assignments to complete. Does anyone know anything about the current situation between the U.S. and Iran?


N3WYORKD3VIL said...

I'm set free on the 23. Hmph. And my finals are next week and I never study. I juss can't. I have a learning disability. (Not really but whatever)

Jinnyd said...

Aw man that stinks. Even more than the dissected frogs. :-P

Speaking of which, I should really be studying. Not on blogger. Ack! Hope your finals pass by easily!

N3WYORKD3VIL said...

Thanks! But my midterms were pretty bad. Except for SS, Literature, and (surprisingly) Science. I'm TERRIBLE in that. But FROGS? I can't do that. I can't even kill a roach! But I don't mind if someone else kills it...