Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Not the stereotypical teenager kind--you know, the Birkenstocks? You know, the kind that has reached the same level of popularity as Uggs? Yeah, anyway, TWO of the blogs that I follow both featured clogs of some sort in their posts recently!

Modest is Hottest--a very cool and non-conformist (in idea and motive) fashion blog that is about dressing MODESTLY. ZOMG PPL DRESS MODESLTY THESE DAYS? I CAN BEARLY SPELL ITTT!!! And the two totally cool peeps who are behind it (Me and Sal) are Christian. Which is just so cool, because I've also been looking for a fashion blog done by a Christian (and I don't count, mainly because I rarely post at my "fashion blog" and b/c my outfits are twisted ST brain childs).

2nd blog: Style Rookie, aka ST here on this piece of Internet. I've referenced this blog waaaaaaay too many times for my own good. I think I'm a bit obsessed? This is weird b/c she's only a year younger than me? Yeah, I'm so not a stalker, srsly!? I still think that it's pretty amazing that she managed to convince her parents to let her skip school for the Commes Des Garcons x H&M collection AND for a pair of Miu Mius.

Yes, I observe fashion now and then. And attempt to make non-boring outfits myself, sometimes. It's just another outlet through which I try to express my "I AM NOT A STEREOTYPICAL TEENAGER" vibe. I do not obsessively FaceBook, try to use correct grammar and punctuation as often as possible, and do not shop at Abercrombie, Hollister, Aeropastle, or American Eagle. Not that doing those things are wrong, of course. Everyone's different, even the people who do all of the above things. I just enjoy doing things that are off the beaten path, different, even "strange" things, and try not to crack under peer pressure in the behavioral part of my life. But that part still yet needs a bit of work.

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