Yeah. Sorry for the lack of postage! I was out all of Memorial Day weekend with a fever/headache/cold/type/thingy and I still have a slight cough (but I WILL SURVIVE!).
Finalz are next week, dudez! For me, anywayz. How many wordz can I use that will involve z's? I dunnoz. Is it annoyingz yetz? Well I will just quit doing that because it's difficult to be typing "z" after so many wordz (ahahahahahaz).
Anyway, continuing on w/da post (I should abbreviate that phrase or something. I think I'll be using it a lot. COWDP--YES):
It's sort of hard to believe that I've actually (almost) been through my freshman year of high school. There's only three more years left before I have to brave the real world! (HS is the preparation for the "real world", apparently, even though the real world doesn't give you grades? I guess that's what college is for.) I still feel like I'm in middle school or something, because part of me isn't really accepting the fact that I am GROWING UP (oh scaryscaryscaryscary). INTO AN ADULT. (oh superscarysuperscarysuperscary).
Maybe I should just move to Neverland. Or Wonderland.
But then that would be cheating, because I would be avoiding my reality and not accepting responsibility for the things that I do in this world, which is (unfortunately) the only one I have. Well, except for maybe RuneScape. But that doesn't count, because it's obviously just a game (and SUCH a time-eater-uper).
It makes me sad, a little. I feel like I have a stick in the mud of childhood, and I don't want to let go and be sucked into the current of the grown up world. Sadly, life can't be all fun and play. Or make-believe. Elementary school was much easier for this type of end-of-year stuff. Back then, growing up was fun and cool (and such things like end of year field trips were still in existence). Plus, there was the assurance that you would have friends back at school the next year. Now, I'm not saying that all my friends are going to move away this summer, but it's just that things were more "stable" then, you know?
As excited as I am to be moving on to 10th grade (and hopefully getting more involved in school!), I will still miss this freshman year, when everything was highschool-but-flavored-with-middle-school-still (except for maybe less drama, obvz). It just seemed like middle school, but with a little more work and a little less tight-knit. [EDIT: This post sums up most of my feelings about growin' up.]
I guess I'm saying that a little part of me will always remain a child, no matter how old the rest of me gets. I'll always believe in magic, classic Disney movies (i.e., the pre-Hannah Montana phase), and recess.
But, I've grown to like summer vacation more as I get older. The harder you work, the more you'll appreciate breaks.
Have a happy summer, everyone!
I used to want to grow up. Now I wish that I never had. Everyone says that they want to become an adult, but then they get to (for me) fourth grade and someone goes to the movies with another and someone in seventh grade breaks their heart(that actually didn't happen to me, but it did to someone i know). Then they're not so happy.
Yeah, heartbreak is a dangerous side effect of growing up. I've never understood why people want to grow up so fast (especially girls) and wear make up before they should and wear things that everyone else is wearing. But then, I've never really understood many of the "normal" things in life.
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