Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Surely you have Internet friends. You know--the ones that don't seem like they are the crazy stalker type. And, like any other human being (except for a select few), you have your own personal images of what they look like, based on their personality as revealed from their writing.

It can be a shock when you actually see what they look like. Usually it's a way different picture than what you had in mind (like, if you imagined them as someone who looked like they had a life away from the Internet as well as one on it, they usually end up looking like your average person).

Also, different names can give you different images. Take the name Theodora, for example. You might not quickly come up with the wife of Byzantine emperor Justinian, but it would still be way different than what a person named Theodora actually looked like.

Anyway, I'm just saying that writing reveals a whole 'nother side of you that your real-life friends probably would never discover.


JD said...

hey! im from the swordbird chatroom, as writingpeep. you've got a great blog going on. plz check out mine as its been desrted for weeks:

Anonymous said...

Thats absolutely true! that writing creates a whole different face of a for example, I have an image of you in my mind and I dont know if its right or wrong and I probably never will. BUt thats okay because it helps me write better, and describe a person I've never seen in better ways. Thank you for that blog post! Please check out sometime!
- xxCammyLoverxx

Unknown said...

true x