Monday, January 11, 2010

My Last Entry as a...

...person with a life. Finals are in two weeks, and a piano competition, and something else that is very important that I should probably try to remember now but can't, and all my time is going to be sucked up into studying, practicing, and trying not to go mad from all of the stress. Also, blog posts (if there will be any within the next few weeks) will consist of random facts of information that I will probably need to know for finals. Such as the fact that Rene Descartes said the very confusing "I think, therefore I am" quote (anyone else reminded of the Matrix...?).

Oh! And class registration for next fall! When they might make us choose between a foreign language or music...grrrr. Without music in my exceptionally boring school day, I shall promptly keel over and shrivel up into a novella about my short life.

So, to end this on an "I-do-have-a-life-even-though-I'm-Asian-and-therefore-study-a-lot" note, I'll talk about something cultural. Like music. And knitting. And books (and an obsession with them, actually).

Double-so, I shall now say something about books. "Childrens' books", to be more exact. Because even though I am far past the age of reading the books that Barnes & Noble classifies as "Kids", I still read them. Because they are much better than the Twilight-wannabe books in the "Teen" section (and for the record I read Twilight BEFORE everyone became obsessed with it!). The books in the "childrens' section" are just that much better. Plus they are actually centered around adventures instead of romance stories (which make up the other 49.99% of the "Teen" section).

Triple-so, that is why I still am reading books aimed at kids (10-12 years, approx.) and probably still will be long after I become an adult. Plus the kids books don't have swearing, drinking, or any other nasty stuff.

I'm afraid that this might turn into a book blog later, when all of the books come out in the spring.....

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