New url! Yes, I'm just that fickle. But this time it's RELEVANT: OH.
Now, on to the "real post" ( -gasp- the REAL WORLD? noooo!! Wonderland, come back!). Or maybe not. I'm still a little weird after gym class today and a math test that I toe-dally passed. I think. I hope. Please? What was I gonna say? Oh yeah...)
When I first made a blog it was when I was in my "omg i'm totes gonna be an author sumday" mode. Seriously. I was looking up all this stuff about query letters and literary agents and publishing scams and self-publishing and reading Andrew Clements's The School Story over and over and wishing that I had a first-gen iMac (you know--those cool colored and futuristicly shaped ones! ahhhhh---beautiful).
So, all of my early blog posts were about writing-related things (sort of ) like how far I was in my "book" (which I never finished, by da way), and how I was going to kill the writer's block monster, and all of that wonderful sunshine-and-rainbows stuff.
Now, I'm blogging about random things like... hmm... random....things. As evidenced by my previous posts.
I'm beginning to see a pattern in my mind (where I come up with the coolest blog posts ever and then promptly forget about them in a few minutes): I'm constantly thinking about blogging about books, reading books, music, food, movies, and other semi-random things that really just encompass my interests.
Now, in case you didn't know, there are two kinds of randomness:
1: the totally random "follow the butterflies" kind. You know, where things that have absolutely NOTHING, and I mean N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do with each other pop up together anyway. Kind of like brown bees and cheddar cheese (ha! rhymes!). Green eggs and Ham. Which one of these does not belong in Wonderland? Tea mad parties. Angry hat makers, Crazy hat makers, Johnny Depp, sea monkeys, orange cheddar trees, white paper rose trees, consume me signs, style rookie free advertising Alexander McQueen S/S 10 omg those shoes are wicked lovely. | 2: The other kind of randomness is when you are random about a specific number of things. Okay, so that's sort of opposite of what random is, but it's sort of like this: Let's say that you have yellow, green, purple, red, and black pieces of paper in a bag. The order of colors that you draw out will be in a random order, but you will always draw out either a yellow, green, purple, red, or black piece of paper. You wouldn't, say, draw out a white piece of paper from this bag if it only holds yellow, green, purple, red, and black. Do you sort of get it? |
Well, that was a failed attempt to mess with the "Edit Html" button to get columns. Yay.
As I was saying, this blog may very much be about books, music (classical, mostly-ish), movies (LOVE MOVIES), writing (maybe. during school breaks), and quite possibly food.
And maybe some rants thrown in for taste. :-)
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