Yes, it is (*French accent*) MOI, but you never see my face. Just like another writer that I know. He/she never showed their face in their pictures either. 15 points and a huge virtual May-basketful of imported chocolates to whoever guesses the author's name. And another 7 points and a virtual Hershey's bar to whoever can guess the "name" of the author who LOVES chocolate. And isn't afraid to show it. In his/her writing style. HINT: these two authors are very similar, in some ways. And the quotations marks around "name" should be another semi-hint.
Gosh, I keep hitting command-S and the stew-pod little menu keeps popping up! GO AWAY ANNOYING COMMAND-S SAVE MENU!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!!
Now....back to the photo. Graph. (GOSH AH-NNOYING TIMES A BILLION STEWPOD SAVE MENU!!!!11!!!1!!! I will not press command-S. I will not press command-S. I will not press command-S. I will not press command-S. I will not press command-S.) I wanted something that was "mysterious" and much more interesting than my real life face. B/c that would be boring and un-exciting. Plus I just AH-DORE Photobooth and all of the totally awesome effects you can do. (GAH I DID IT AGAIN EVEN THOUGH I TYPED IT OUT A BAZILLION TIMEZ!!!!!!1!!!!)
Finally, I just wanted a photo (graph) that would be more "mature-ish" and not as "cute" or "childish". Because, being five feet and a freshman in scary public HIGH SCHOOL, you inevitably get called "cute" for anything smart or creative that you do. UGH x10!!!
Now, for a virtual cupboard-full of assorted holiday treats, name the 4 books/book series/authors that I alluded to today (if that's even the right word to use in this here situation). The point system (although I did mooch it off of Gail Carson Levine's book The Wish) and the virtual chocolate/candy giveaway do not apply.
Have a great day! =)
P.S. intentional 1s, btw.
I love photography, too! My profile pic is me. Its so ironic-- we're both those type of authors who never show their face.
I love your picture. :)
Thanks! Your pic is awesome too! The perspective was so cool. :-)
I try to show my face as little as possible online--I'm a wee bit paranoidal that way =D.
Hello! I just read all the nice comments you put on my blog and the responses and stuff so I'll respond a lot here.
Yes, my life is very complicated and messed up. But I write for myself to let it all out, and thats the only reason. I dont write on blogs so someone can "find" it and "publish" I know people who've tried (and failed).
But even know my life may be weird, its also wonderful. I recently realized that without writing, my life would be totally different. So starting up a blog is good for me.
Yes, I love your picture very much, its so mysterious, lol (I'm a dork xD )
I'll be commenting and reading a lot, since I like to be inspired and read other people's stories, as well. It helps me write when I know other people's experiences.
Thanks for the nice comment on my poem, btw! :]
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! Hope you get everything you want =)
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