I was thinking that maybe I should move all of the posts here to another blog (also called As Told by Jinnyd), but with a more appropriate web address, instead of astoldbycasey.blogspot.com b/c OBVIOUSLY I am not using the pen name "Casey" anymore (plus it would just look really weird).
I know it's a little early to be thinking about this, but I'm sorta focusing on a "new start" in blogging and all, and the address is TOTALLY bugging me.
Before I go (doing multiple entries in a day can be cumbersome, and this one isn't that long. Yet.), I'm going to imitate a fashion blog and post a picture of this awesome jacket I found in JCPenney (muahahahaha no face =P).

Basically, I was looking around in the juniors' section (even though I usually go to the "girl's" section because I'm practically an ELF [and not the LoTR kind]), looking for something that no one else at my school would probably own, and THAT awesome piece of faux leather came up. I'm serious. The collar is just AWESOOOOMMMEEE.
I should probably say something about school, being as I AM trying to blog about HS and whatnot. Apart from this HUGE science project that we have to do for honors bio, and a 2-DAY math test next week, I suppose everything's pretty normal. Tuesdays are especially awesome because we start ten minutes later than usual. Boo-yah. =)
Tuesdays are good days. Went to Baker's Square for dinner and PIE.
HaMCH (Have a Merry Christmas Holidays)
You can change the URL w/o switching blogs! Go to settings, and right underneath the settings menu is another menu with Basic, Publishing, Formatting, Comments, etc. Click on *publishing* and you can easily change the URL. =] Hope that helps!
* smacks forehead * duh! Of course! Thanks for pointing that out! I am so bad a noticing things... sometimes when they're right in front of my FACE. Thanks, again!
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