Saturday, March 6, 2010


Oh yeah--vocab wrds are totes boss, yo. Idealistic, btw, not that you asked, but...whatever.



I envy those
who do not need prose
to explain their deepest feelings

I envy those
who can use prose
to depict their inner minds

I envy those
who are allowed to goes
To movies, like Alice in Wonderland (TIM BURTON 3-D ALICE JOHNNY DEPP W00T!)

I envy those
who stick their nose
in places they should not be in,
and have the courage
to follow the rabbit
down his wee-little hole.

I envy those
who can write the prose
and set it to music
and have it make sense

I envy those
who have a voice
to sing about
and can sling their voice
out into the crowd
of critics and scrutinizers
and poets and spin doctorers.

I no longer envy those
who plant the rose
and use the hose
for play.

I can see the day,
no more delay,
when night comes
and no one can work.

I must therefore,
get off my butt,
and get going,
before the going catches up.

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