Monday, December 21, 2009

Tough Girls Unite!

SO INSPIRED (I usually act like this whenever I read or watch something inspiring-like, like a favorite series or something)!

Jackie Chan rules! So, I was watching Jackie Chan Adventures on YouTube, and just remembered what a TOUGH little non-shrimp Jade was! Plus the whole end-of-the-world thing sort of reminds me of Xiaolin Showdown, another awesome show that has (sadly) ended. Anyway, back to the, sort of. Jade was partly inspiration for the site address, for anyone who was interested.

Ah, the good old days of Kids' WB. GOOD MEMORIES.

Ha ha! Uncle just walks into all of the fighting so calmly (s2 ep2). Ahem! Continuing on towards intellectual topics! "TALISMANS ARE NOT IMPORTAAANT!" ~Uncle.


Back to inspiration. Basically, I like to think of myself as a non-conforming person. The only person NOT wearing Uggs with jeans tucked in, or wearing a black short peacoat (mine has a HOOD! ahem...). And tough (although my upper body strength is practically nonexistent, as was evidenced by the strength test in phy ed today). And able to stand up for what I think is right (which I'm working on--darn my natural shyness!). Which is also a summary of the character traits of all of my favorite book characters, like Jade (from JCA), Sammy Keyes, Luxa (from The Underland Chronicles), and Jo March (Little Women).

So what inspires you? What kind of a person do you want to be?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Site Address!

I have decided to change the site address of this blog, b/c as I said last time, the current one has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what this blog is about. But I still want to keep the "as told by..." feel, so, introducing the never-before-seen, awesomely brand-spankin' new, address!

Simple, plain, and can last for the next four years. If it needs to be changed, then I shall change it. But until then...let's just use this one.

EDIT: This is actually the second time I've changed the site address--first it was astoldbycasey (totally irrelevant now, obvs), then it was jdandhighschool (which just doesn't work: it's too narrow). Hooray for not being decisive! This is not going to help me choose a future career...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I was thinking that maybe I should move all of the posts here to another blog (also called As Told by Jinnyd), but with a more appropriate web address, instead of b/c OBVIOUSLY I am not using the pen name "Casey" anymore (plus it would just look really weird).

I know it's a little early to be thinking about this, but I'm sorta focusing on a "new start" in blogging and all, and the address is TOTALLY bugging me.

Before I go (doing multiple entries in a day can be cumbersome, and this one isn't that long. Yet.), I'm going to imitate a fashion blog and post a picture of this awesome jacket I found in JCPenney (muahahahaha no face =P).

Basically, I was looking around in the juniors' section (even though I usually go to the "girl's" section because I'm practically an ELF [and not the LoTR kind]), looking for something that no one else at my school would probably own, and THAT awesome piece of faux leather came up. I'm serious. The collar is just AWESOOOOMMMEEE.

I should probably say something about school, being as I AM trying to blog about HS and whatnot. Apart from this HUGE science project that we have to do for honors bio, and a 2-DAY math test next week, I suppose everything's pretty normal. Tuesdays are especially awesome because we start ten minutes later than usual. Boo-yah. =)

Tuesdays are good days. Went to Baker's Square for dinner and PIE.

HaMCH (Have a Merry Christmas Holidays)

Monday, December 14, 2009

A wee bit more o' explainin'...

I feel that I should explain what this blah-g is going to be about, just so I feel that any random readers who totally and accidentally stumble onto this mess-of-opinions-and-rants/blog who actually care to dig into the "archives" and read the "introduction" of how this blog started and what's it's (hopefully) going to be about.

So, to the actual main topic of this entry: this is going to be an online opinion-roll of what my high school experience is like! Bet no one's ever thought of that, right? I hope. But if there is someone out there blogging about their crazy HS years, don't hesitate to call! Er, e-mail. I don't accept calls from anyone who doesn't know my number. XP

And another thing: multiple entries in one day can/may happen quite often. Yes, yes, I know I should get a life so that I actually have something to talk about here instead of just ranting/complaining about how un-like my expectations everything is and how everything could be better if the school district let me be superintendent.

Welcome to my teen years, accompanied by mandatory schooling and crazy end-of-semester projects.

Good luck, and have a good day (HAGD).

The Photo. Graph.

I feel like I should explain the picture that is masquerading as my profile photo.
Yes, it is (*French accent*) MOI, but you never see my face. Just like another writer that I know. He/she never showed their face in their pictures either. 15 points and a huge virtual May-basketful of imported chocolates to whoever guesses the author's name. And another 7 points and a virtual Hershey's bar to whoever can guess the "name" of the author who LOVES chocolate. And isn't afraid to show it. In his/her writing style. HINT: these two authors are very similar, in some ways. And the quotations marks around "name" should be another semi-hint.

Gosh, I keep hitting command-S and the stew-pod little menu keeps popping up! GO AWAY ANNOYING COMMAND-S SAVE MENU!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!!

Now....back to the photo. Graph. (GOSH AH-NNOYING TIMES A BILLION STEWPOD SAVE MENU!!!!11!!!1!!! I will not press command-S. I will not press command-S. I will not press command-S. I will not press command-S. I will not press command-S.) I wanted something that was "mysterious" and much more interesting than my real life face. B/c that would be boring and un-exciting. Plus I just AH-DORE Photobooth and all of the totally awesome effects you can do. (GAH I DID IT AGAIN EVEN THOUGH I TYPED IT OUT A BAZILLION TIMEZ!!!!!!1!!!!)

Finally, I just wanted a photo (graph) that would be more "mature-ish" and not as "cute" or "childish". Because, being five feet and a freshman in scary public HIGH SCHOOL, you inevitably get called "cute" for anything smart or creative that you do. UGH x10!!!
Now, for a virtual cupboard-full of assorted holiday treats, name the 4 books/book series/authors that I alluded to today (if that's even the right word to use in this here situation). The point system (although I did mooch it off of Gail Carson Levine's book The Wish) and the virtual chocolate/candy giveaway do not apply.

Have a great day! =)

P.S. intentional 1s, btw.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Surely you have Internet friends. You know--the ones that don't seem like they are the crazy stalker type. And, like any other human being (except for a select few), you have your own personal images of what they look like, based on their personality as revealed from their writing.

It can be a shock when you actually see what they look like. Usually it's a way different picture than what you had in mind (like, if you imagined them as someone who looked like they had a life away from the Internet as well as one on it, they usually end up looking like your average person).

Also, different names can give you different images. Take the name Theodora, for example. You might not quickly come up with the wife of Byzantine emperor Justinian, but it would still be way different than what a person named Theodora actually looked like.

Anyway, I'm just saying that writing reveals a whole 'nother side of you that your real-life friends probably would never discover.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Online journal=blog

Why anyone would want to pour out their innermost feelings and chuck them up onto a website for the whole world to see is beyond me. Why don't you just type it in a Word document or something? Do you really want everyone to know why you were having a bad day, or is that just for FaceBook so you can get sympathetic comments? Well, you know what word is in sympathetic? Yeah. Pathetic. I really don't get why people would want to publish a journal, unless...
  1. The journal's author is dead (think Anne Frank and Ayn Rand).
  2. You are not afraid of embarrassment.
  3. Your life is so interesting that someone told you that you should publish your journal, and you believe them.
  4. The embarrassing pieces have been removed from your journal.
  5. You are the most famous person on the planet and you are publishing your life story so you can avoid a bunch of interviews, and writing a memoir/autobiography is too hard.
  6. It's a publicity stunt.
  7. Someone stole your journal and decided to publish it for fun (resulting in numerous tears and backlashes and angry words).
Okay, so maybe the last one is a bit far-fetched.

Anyway, after all that ranting about why an online journal is such a bad idea, you might be wondering why I'm even making a blog.

Part of the reason is reason #4 for publishing a journal. I am not going to record a single embarrassing moment here, as if it were a real journal. Nope. I might talk about what is going to happen in my life, though, but I need you to understand that that is entirely different from an embarrassing moment. Another part of the reason is that I need somewhere to type out my feelings and make some sense of them, because I don't like typing my feelings down in a Word document. It feels too impersonal, as if I was writing it for an English class assignment.

So I welcome you to my thoughts. I hope you don't find them too repulsive.