I have been passive for too long. I did nothing really special to celebrate my "middle school graduation" or any other "major milestones" in my life. Perhaps it's because I know that the things of this world are going to pass away eventually, but something inside me still makes me want to commemorate those events, somehow.
So, I will do something really spectacular by the time I graduate from high school. You know, so I can look back fondly and not say "oh crud all I did was procrastinate and eat junky school food man oh man how am I ever going to survive college." A few tentative goals...
1) Write a novel. Yes, I haven't actually FINISHED one yet. It's terrible! But don't worry, I've got an idea and a 12-hour flight (USA to Asia, woot woot) ahead of me, so I should be okay. I hope. The Lord knows.
2) Submit something to Teen Ink. Why not?
3) Knit Christmas gifts for my real-life friends this year. I've got a month of summer time. Let the knitting begin! (small things--I haven't got the time to knit full afghans)
Perhaps more! But 3 is a good number. Cue elementary school musical song time!
[music note] [music note] "3, is a magic number, oh yes it is...it's a magic number" [music note] [music note]
Have an awesome active (therefore, non-passive) summer!