Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday night stakeout...

...on the computer, in front of Wendelin Van Draanen's blog,

WHEN WILL THE PAGE BE UPDATED? Just checked. Nothing. Gahhhhhhhhhhhh...... she said that there would be updates today.........

Just checked again. Nada.

I was so excited when she announced that she would be starting up the blog again, after a year long (probably?) hiatus. Yipppee!! I thought. I can now peek into the mind of [just checked again. zilch.] one of the coolest authors ever! W00t! Plust get updates on all new books and movies!

And then I found out that she would update every Sunday. And so that's why I'm here [just checked--still nothing], simultaneously blogging and clicking the refresh icon on the screen.

Maybe I should check again in a few minutes? But I don't want to miss anything! Oh, the wait is so agonizing......

Oh, shoot. I might have to put my stakeout on hold for a while. I still haven't practiced piano today and a MUCHO HUGE-O piano competition is on Sat. Dang it!

Just checked again--zero, zip, zilch, nada.

I've also noticed something--whenever it appears on my screen, it always displays the time as a few hours ahead. I suppose that's because of the time difference, but sometimes it's completely random, like I check it @ 8 o'clock pm but Blogger says it was posted at [checked again. no change] 3:23 or something. Strange.

Or maybe I should just learn to be a tad more patient. Maybe. And Ms. Van Draanen probably has a busy life filled with running, writing, and other cool things.

Okay. I'm going to practice piano now. Hopefully it'll be up here in an hour...

Later. Okay, an hour and a few minutes later.

IT'S UPDATED! And chock-full of cool info too, albeit a little sad. The Sammy Keyes series is ending at book 18! Only five more years left of new Sammy books! But at least there's the impending "Sammy Short" thing--that would just be the COOLEST BEANZ, YO. And that just might hold me over until October and Sammy Keyes and the Wedding Crasher comes out.

Can't wait! Won't wait! Will unfortunately have to wait! Darn it!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Since this web log is supposed to be logging my HS experiences, I will now start actually going on that topic instead of rambling on about my teen angst and other random topics.

My school, which I will call Central High School, (even though the real name is NOT Central High School, obvs) was designed by a guy who designs jails. Apparently. Whether or not that's true, it IS true that our locker arrangements are completely and totally inefficient.

So, this jail-architect dude (or so he appears) decided to lump lockers together in little spaces called "locker bays", one for each "house" (which is really half a floor and is only there for room numbering purposes. I think). It's not too bad in the morning, when everyone's half asleep and there's no one in the locker bay, and the lockers block a little of the light so you can stand there and pretend to sleep while standing before your open locker. BUT! At the end of the day everyone is rushing to their buses or rides or whatever, and the locker bays (with lockers arranged sort of like library shelves, but with less space between them) are PACKED. Every day I have to stand outside of my little "locker section" and wait for someone to come out so I can go in, grab my coat, and split on out of there.

Mr. Jail Architect could've at least spread the lockers out around the halls, like in a normal school.

But then again, normal is highly overrated.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Quickly, now, I'm late!

A quick note: I changed my url back to

I know. YOU'RE SO FICKLE! JUST CHOOSE ONE AND STICK WITH IT ALREADY! But I guess I just feel sentiment with the original url. I don't know why. I don't let go of things easily, I guess. I nearly melt down when we traded in our old piano for a new one a few years ago. I KNOW I'M QUITE STRANGE.

I haven't been posting because I decided to go on a little hiatus, clear out my head, get away from the screen for a bit. Also maybe because I wanted to get away from the blogging community for a while (as is evidenced by my blow-up/rant post a few posts back).

Sometimes, things just get too overwhelming and your natural "hey what about ME" alarm goes off and calls a DEFCON 1. That's when the mudslide of jealousy and critical voice starts. "You're not good enough. You'll never be good enough. You should just pack up and call it a day. Forever."

A little like watered-down schizophrenia, although that's a really bad analogy because I know next to nothing about mental illnesses. And I don't mean to offend anyone who has a mental illness or knows someone who does! It's just me and my badly-researched figurative language.